Workers’ Compensation & Employment Lawyers
The attorneys at our firm know how to build a strong wall of defense around employers. We help reduce claims cost by working with both the employer and their third party administrator.
“It’s Chess not Checkers”
What Makes Us Different: It’s We, Not I
We not only have years of experience but we have years of experience working together. We work to solve your problems as a team. It is a simple formula that works for us and you. We are a team that’s ready to help you respond to your employment-related issue.

It’s Chess, Not Checkers
Time spent early is far more effective than time spent late. Our goal is assist you from the beginning by removing barriers to communication. This is achieved by fee structures that make cost predictable and encourage early communication.
We begin by tailoring strategies that address your particular needs. Early access to the tools we provide creates realistic solutions to real world problems.
At Wyatt & Associates we share a simple maxim with all of our clients: it’s speed, not size that matters.